And Romeo Married Juliette poster
18 min 2015 Drama

And Romeo Married Juliette

When the love that once bound them submits to the will of time. When it transforms the most beautiful of what we have, into what becomes the most tiresome. And when weariness turns into life




Direction and Production

Hinde Boujemaa
Hinde Boujemaa

Hinde Boujemaa

Hinde Boujemaa is a Tunisian director. Her filmography includes YA MAN AACH (IT WAS BETTER TOMORROW), which was her first documentary and was screened at several film fes...

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Imed Marzouk
Imed Marzouk

Imed Marzouk

Imed Marzouk studied management at IHEC (Institut des Hautes Etudes de Commerce) before becoming an assistant on the series "Chams âlik" through which he reconnects with ...

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