Laila's birthday poster
71 min 2008 Drama

Laila's birthday

Abu Laila used to be a judge, but because the government doesn't have the means to renew his assignment he is forced to be a taxi driver. On the day his daughter Laila becomes seven years old his wife insists that he'll be at home early and bring her a present and a cake. Abu Laila's has nothing else on his mind then completing this mission. But the daily life in Palestine has other plans.
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Direction and Production

Rashid Mashrawi
Rashid Mashrawi

Rashid Mashrawi

Rashid Masharawi , is a Palestinian film director, born in Gaza in 1962 to a family of refugees from Jaffa. He grew up in the Shati refugee camp.Rashid Masharawi lives an...

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Habib Attia
Habib Attia

Habib Attia

Tunisian film and television producer, Habib ATTIA has been the manager since 2007 of CINETELEFILMS, one of the most active production companies in Tunisia and its region...

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