La maison de Bernarda Alba poster
98 min 2020 Plays

La maison de Bernarda Alba

Bernarda Alba has money, land and five daughters. As soon as her husband is buried, she imposes eight years of strict and cloistered mourning on her descendants, according to Andalusian tradition, she says. "Fate put me in a convent," replies one of the girls. Only Angustias, from a first bed, "the ugliest" but who has her father's fortune for herself, has found a bridegroom, Pepe, "the most handsome man in the village". The others will wait for a husband worthy of their social rank. So indefinitely. Yes, but… the youngest, Adela, is madly in love with Pepe, who makes her feel good.
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Direction and Production

Jean Luc Garcia
Jean Luc Garcia

Jean Luc Garcia

No biography

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