In a country in a period of democratic convalescence, a woman thinks she recognizes the voice of her executioner. A man who fate brought her home one evening by pure chance. She then decides to do justice with the help of her husband. The latter is in a delicate position since he occupies a political position of "vigilante" in this transitional phase
عن نص الفتاة والموت لاريال دروفمان
اخراج: هالة عياد
مساعد الاخراج: عزيز الجبالي-ياسمين الديماسي
تمثيل: عبد الحميد بوشناق – محمد الزرامي – هالة عياد. Lumière : Sabri Atrous
Son: Walid Hassir
Video: Ghassen Gacem
Production El Teatro 2017