Looking for Muhyiddin  poster
180 min 2012 Fiction , Documentary , Historical

Looking for Muhyiddin

A man (played by the filmmaker Nacer Khemir) returns home to Tunisia to bury his mother. After the burial, his father gives him an "amana" to be handed to a certain Sheikh named Muhyiddin. Taken by his father's request, the man immediately sets out on an epic journey to find the long lost Sheikh and deliver the "amana." Throughout the trip, he is guided by a mysterious spiritual master and the many friends of the Sheikh he encounters along the way. As the adventure unfolds, we discover the rich life of this Sheikh and his uncompromising love for humanity. For under his teachings, different beliefs, faiths, and ways of life can only converge and become one. The more we learn about Sheikh Muhyiddin, the more we understand why he is venerated across cultures and continents. Looking for Muhyiddin is a deeply lyrical odyssey into the soul of Islam through the life and work of one of its beloved mystics: Ibn Arabi.



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Direction and Production

Nacer Khemir
Nacer Khemir

Nacer Khemir

Through cinema, painting and sculpture, not to mention calligraphy, writing and story telling, Nacer Khemir has thrown bridges between shores, North and South, Occident ...

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See also

Loving Wallada
Whispering Sands
«Where to Srart ?»
Yasmina or the 60 Names of Love
SHEHERAZADE  Words against Death
André Miquel An encounter with the Arabic language

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