Tunis, November 2019. A group of women is gathered at Saïda’s, the hairdresser, on the eve of the presidential election. The salon is transformed into a town square, mirroring the internal turmoil of the country. In this female sanctuary, we get an intimate look at the county’s teenage democracy.
Sarra El Abed finished her degree in film direction at UQAM in 2018, where she was awarded the best fiction prize for her graduation project. “Y’a pas d’heure pour les fe...
Production : Isabelle Grignon-Francke (Club Vidéo)
Réalisatrice: Sarra El Abed
Scénario: Sarra El Abed
DOP : Catherine Lefebvre
Montage : Jordan Choinière
Son : Ilyaa Ghafouri
Musique : Ilyaa Ghafouri