It Must Be Heaven poster
101 min 2019 Comedy , Drama

It Must Be Heaven

ES flees Palestine in search of a new homeland, before realizing that his country of origin still follows him like a shadow. The promise of a new life quickly transforms into a comedy of the absurd. As far as he travels, from Paris to New York, something reminds him of his homeland. A burlesque tale exploring identity, nationality and belonging, in which Elia Suleiman asks a fundamental question: where can we feel “at home”?
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Direction and Production

Elia Suleiman
Elia Suleiman

Elia Suleiman

Born in Nazareth on July 28, 1960, Elia Suleiman lived in New York from 1981 to 1993. During this period, he made his first two short films: Introduction at the end of an...

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