This reality that escapes me poster
122 min 2020 Silent

This reality that escapes me

A charming woman is hiking alone on a deserted beach. She finds an umbrella and a fishing rod set up at the water's edge. She goes for a swim and then lies down to sunbathe. A young man comes from afar and stops near the fishing rod and the umbrella. She understands that she has settled into his territory. What will they do, each on their own, to be seduced? They end up making a date in the cabin at sunset.



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Direction and Production

Abdelwaheb Bouden
Abdelwaheb Bouden

Abdelwaheb Bouden

a Tunisian director and producer, was born on March 2, 1947, in Kairouan. He earned his baccalaureate in 1968 before pursuing film studies at Paris 8 University, where he...

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