Zied Litayem



Zied Litayem was born in Tunisia on February 26, 1985. He completed his university studies specializing in writing and directing in 2010 at the ISAMM in Tunis, then the Masters in film production. He joined the Esav Film School in Marrakech then the Alba University in Beirut, where he integrated the study of cinema within the framework of study work agreements between universities specializing in cinema and the art of cinema. image. He directed several music videos, including "Yama Samar Dony" "Hamma d'Asma Ben Ahmed", the latest of which is "Galba groove" by MASSI, and numerous advertising flashes in Tunisia and abroad. He has directed sitcoms and series, including School 1 in 2013, Al-Hajama 2017, Al-Ballas 2022.


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