"Jubjoter" is a short film celebrating the 10th anniversary of DEBO, a prominent collective of artists. VIPA, MASSI, and TRAPPA, the leading members, revisit the locations where their artistic journey began. Through interviews, archival footage, and artistic performances, they share their personal stories and reflect on the challenges and inspirations that led to DEBO's formation. The film highlights the collaborative spirit and the enduring impact of DEBO on the art world. "Jubjoter" is a tribute to their artistic journey and the power of art to connect people and inspire.
Hedy Ben Hmida, born in Sousse in 1999, is a cinephile who studied at the "IINA – Institut International du Numérique et de l'Audiovisuel." He founded Tunez Magazine, a m...
Amen Allah Jlassi is a Tunisian director of photography born on June 30, 1994, in Tunis. He has a strong interest in both the aesthetics of the image and storytelling. Th...