Alfonso Campisi



Alfonso CAMPISI was born in Trapani (Italy), Italian-Tunisian, he is a university professor in Romance and Italian Philology at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities of the University of Manouba (Tunisia); President of the first Chair in the world of Sicilian Language and Culture; Member of the national doctoral commission “Languages” in Tunisia and responsible for the doctorate in Italian, President for the African continent of A.I.S.L.L.I. (International Association for Italian Language and Literature Studies), he collaborates with the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA) and Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 (France). Philologist and Mediterraneanist, specialist in languages and cultures of migration, is interested in Sicily, the Mediterranean, the Maghreb and particularly Tunisia and the dialogue between cultures and civilizations. Academician, President in Italy of the Scientific Council of the “Accademia della Lingua Siciliana”. His latest research focuses on the identity, language and history of Tunisia and Sicilian emigrants in Tunisia, France and the United States. Member of the International Research team on “border writing: creations, migrations, cultural transfers”, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Montpellier, France. Great collaborator, Cultural editor for the national French-speaking daily newspaper “La Presse” of Tunisia Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters (Italy 2020), Presidency of the Italian Republic International Proserpina Prize (Italy 2016) for Sicilian intellectuals who have distinguished themselves in the world.

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