Sicilians of Africa, Tunisia promised land poster
76 min 2022 Documentary , Historical , Culture

Sicilians of Africa, Tunisia promised land

"Sicilians of Africa. Tunisia Promised Land", it is a 73' feature film, a little-known and poorly written story which now needs to be broadcast. This is a black page in the history of Italy, a difficult history, an uprooting of identity, culture, language, social... which will be consummated with the independence of Tunisia on March 20, 1956. The film is based on several interviews with Sicilians in Tunisia in their own language; Siculo-Tunisian. In fact, it is a sabir quite mixed with French, Italian and Tunisian, which risks disappearing and therefore deserves to be recorded and documented. I strongly believe in intercultural, interreligious dialogue and in the Mediterranean as a place of dialogue, exchange and peace. The town of La Goulette in Tunisia, first port of arrival for the Italian, Maltese, Corsican, Greek, etc. community. remains the symbol of cultural, religious and civilizational syncretism to this day. The port of La Goulette is one of the very rare ports to welcome you with a minaret, a bell tower and a dome. This is where it all begins. The history of the Sicilians of Tunisia, a community which represented 90 percent of Italians, is quite particular because this community was located between the "colonizer" and the "colonized", a link between the French and the Tunisians and very close to the latter. At independence, the fate of the Sicilians was very difficult. The Italian state, represented by its consulate, invites Italians to leave, to "return" it said, but in fact it was not a "return", because often these Italians did not know their country. originally and they didn't even speak the language. Once "transported" to Italy, they will be "parked" in abandoned, dirty barracks, with non-existent hygienic conditions and will often be insulted by their own "fellow citizens". These, we will treat them as Africans, Italians from Africa or even Moroccans… Apart from the tear due to separation


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Direction and Production

Marcello Bivona
Marcello Bivona

Marcello Bivona

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Alfonso Campisi
Alfonso Campisi

Alfonso Campisi

Alfonso CAMPISI was born in Trapani (Italy), Italian-Tunisian, he is a university professor in Romance and Italian Philology at the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanitie...

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